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Check - In

Writer's picture: Annabelle SteeleAnnabelle Steele

What have I been up to since publication day?

Since publication day in May I’ve been so, so busy! I’ve been enjoying taking part in interviews about Being Amani and responding to all of your comments and reviews. (If you haven't already - please, please leave me a review)

I’ve taken a step away from writing and interviewing for a while as I settle in to being a mum of three as I’ve been learning to navigate being a twin mum and having a two- year- old who is most definitely in the thick of his terrible twos.

I’ve been so overwhelmed with my family and turning 30 and seeing so many of my childhood dreams come true that I haven’t actually taken a moment to reflect on what I’ve achieved already as we approach the last few months of 2021. I have been thinking about how hard I worked with the Hashtag_Blak team to complete, edit and publish Being Amani on time throughout a pandemic, while pregnant, while working full time as a primary teacher. It was not an easy pregnancy at all and there are times I look back and wonder how on earth I got through it.

Mostly, I look back and I’m so proud of myself for getting through it all. I have three beautiful, healthy children, I held down my job and did the very best for my year group and I achieved my childhood dream of becoming a published author. This weekend I have taken some time to reflect and pat myself on the back for achieving this and in doing that, I’ve realised that I am ready to go again.

What’s next?

Family - My next steps are to continue doing the very best for my children, I want to share my parenting experience, I want to share all the highs and lows, the fun, the mundane and the tears (mainly mine) and all the in between – maybe through this blog or via Instagram. I enjoy sharing my life with my 2- year-old comedian and twin babies via my personal page so I’d love to share that on my professional page too.

Writing career - My next steps are to work on the variety of children’s books that I have sitting on my laptop. To make a start on my next novel, to find an editor to work with and maybe even an agent. I am working on developing my online presence and putting aside 10 minutes a day to do so this so - if anyone has any ways in which I can do that please let me know as I am a little lost.

Work – I want to continue teaching full time but I am compromised as nursery fees are so ridiculously high. I am torn between working part time, full time or not at all until the boys start nursery. I'm trying not to stress about it but, as with lots of mums, it's always in the back of my mind.

What do I hope to be doing in the future?

Eventually, I would love to combine my passions for my family, my writing and educating to provide books and literature for children and young teens and advice for parents and teachers. At the moment I have no idea what this will look like or how I will achieve it but I wanted to write it here to hold myself accountable and to give myself somewhere to check in and reflect on my progress.

If you have any advice on how I can make this a reality or if you write full time, are a full time mummy blogger or a fulltime teacher and want to connect drop me a message. Likewise, if you have spotted anything here that you are also trying to achieve, drop me a message and we can figure it out together.

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